Mimecast to Purview

Mimecast Archive to Microsoft Purview Archive migration program.

Get your own back!

Mimecast and other archive vendors have been called the “Hotel California” of the email archiving vault due to the perception of “Hostage Fees” applied to the exporting of customer’s data out of these platforms.

In simple terms, you cannot move your data easily to another archiving platform, without paying a significant penalty to your current archiving provider.

NBConsult is proud to offer a Mimecast Archive to Microsoft Purview Archive migration program. We inventory your current Mimecast Archive, build the equivalent Purview Archive configuration and migrate your email.

What do you pay?

The Setup and Migration fees, which include a fixed cost services engagement, and a variable migration tool cost, depending on the data volume. You pay only for the services and the migration tools required, without paying for Mimecast data export fees, which could more than double the cost of the migration

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Can Microsoft Purview archiving replace Mimecast feature for feature? We’ve build an exhaustive comparison to prove it can!

Interested? Download the infographic to learn more.

How does it work?


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Provide Details

Tell us how much data you have and the cost to export your data from Mimecast.


Receive a Quote

We will quote you for migrating your data with an approximate time frame.

Frequently asked Questions

While Microsoft Purview is our preferred destination, we can support most popular email archives.

At present, Mimecast limits us to email data only.

We have a comprehensive services engagement mapping features in a like-for-like manner.

Due to Mimecast limitations, all received and sent mail are stored in the destination Inbox and Sent Items folders, respectively.

Mimecast leaver mailboxes are fully supported for email storage and discovery as Purview Inactive Mailboxes.

Mimecast limitations apply a throttle of around 1TB per week. While Purview Archives can accept data at a significantly higher rate, we are limited by the source’s restrictions.

Yes, you can! We support migration by date range to ensure your Inbox is not flooded, and the email that should be archived will land in the Archive mailbox.

Journaling is limited to emails that have been sent or received. Purview retains and enables discovery of all emails, irrespective of whether they have been sent, received, deleted, or kept in drafts.

Purview licensing depends on the Mimecast Archive features that you use today. At a minimum, you’ll be fine with Office 365 E3 or E5 licensing. E3 gives you the storage features you need for archiving, while E5 gives you the retention labels and full eDiscovery capabilities.


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Contact us today for a complementary consultation and discover how NBConsult can help you meet your migration requirements and achieve a like for like Purview archive.

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  • Trusted Partnership: We are committed to being your reliable partner in achieving the highest levels of security and meeting regulatory compliance.