
What our clients have to say

“I have been working with NBConsult on our various cloud solutions, regularly over the last 4 years. I have found the company to be streets ahead in knowledge and understanding of their technologies and solutions. I am also impressed with the agility of the organisation. While the big IT ships take long to turn, NBConsult is a speedboat that I would like to be associated with for all future endeavours where applicable.”

Autram Jacobs

Technology Portfolio Manager

“Our previous IT service providers lacked attentiveness. When something went wrong with one of our computers, we’d phone them up but inevitably would have to come up with a way to handle the problem ourselves. With NBConsult they check up on our systems each day and actually inform us when something isn’t running as it should. And they just fix it without any effort from our side at all. IT is something that businesses often neglect until it becomes a problem and with NBConsult, they solve the problem before we even know it exists.”

Ann Sanders


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